Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new. You become easily distracted, miss details, forget things. Trouble paying attention: When witchcraft hits, it can feel like your mind is scrambled. You have to remember that God and your Bible teaching pastor are always right. This is perhaps the most dangerous type of demon an atheist can summon. Questioning things: Witchcraft makes you question Jesus, question your faith and question your Pastor. We are susceptible to it when we are living in the world, taking science classes or delinquent in our tithes.ġ. Witchcraft attacks our minds when we are not going to church like we are supposed to, not tithing enough or not listening to our pastors. They can conjure evil and torment you for their lord and master Satan through witchcraft. Satan shares this ability to torment you with his demonic advisers on earth, the atheists. God does this to see if you truly love Him or not. He allows Satan to torment and tempt you to get you to join him in hell.

God is omnipotent and could totally destroy the devil with one word, but he doesn’t. That’s just how incredibly special you are. Over the entire vastness of space in the cosmos, all the creator, the devil and their representatives only care about you.

The devil is jealous of this, so he sends his own fallen angels to fight over you. You see, the creator of the universe cares so much about you, specifically, that He sends angels out to watch over you. That means there are invisible sentient beings around you that carry swords battling over your soul. This is because witches are attacking us! Where from? Everywhere!ġ1 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.ġ2 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We have atheists who dare to openly mock our faith with their War on Christmas. This is the time of year of gluttony from candy, rebellious vandalism, defying your pastor, when people accuse and attack you for no reason other than your Christian faith. The evil one’s machinations never stop, but this is the devil’s season of high Satanic/Atheist/Wiccan activity. The Holy Spirit is weighing upon me to sound this call of alarm to all the Christian faithful.