
Call of cthulhu x box
Call of cthulhu x box

call of cthulhu x box

Returning to the surface using a Magic Mirror before night ends will cause it to spawn as usual.

  • Players will have to remain underground for most of the night to prevent the Eye of Cthulhu from spawning.
  • Being in a layer lower than the surface at that moment, or, in single player, exiting the world during that timespan, will prevent the Eye of Cthulhu from spawning naturally.
  • call of cthulhu x box

    When spawning naturally, the Eye of Cthulhu spawns exactly 81 seconds after the status message has appeared.If Eye of Cthulhu is not defeated by dawn (4:30 AM), if all players die, or if it goes too far off-screen, it will despawn. These dashes become faster as the Eye of Cthulhu's life decreases, and it can dash nearly continuously when close to death. In the second phase, it will gain an additional powerful rapid chain dash attack, during which it lets out a higher-pitched roar every time it dashes. In Expert Mode, the boss spawns more Servants of Cthulhu than normal, as well as 4–5 servants upon transforming. It now lets out a roar every time it charges. It no longer spawns Servants of Cthulhu, and has no defense, but now has increased contact damage. When the Eye of Cthulhu falls below 50% / 65% health (1,400 / 2,366 / 3,016), it transforms into its second form (shedding its iris into a mouth), which rams the player more aggressively three times, then hangs in the air for a period. Afterward, it charges at the player three times in succession, before repeating the cycle. A servant is spawned with the typical hit sound. During the first, it attempts to float directly above the player, while spawning 3–4 Servants of Cthulhu, which drop Hearts and Stars on death. The Eye of Cthulhu has two phases, and is able to fly through blocks in both of them. If they remain underground all night, the boss will not spawn at all. If the player is sufficiently far underground, the Eye of Cthulhu will not spawn until they return to the Surface.

    call of cthulhu x box

    If spawning this way, its arrival is announced by the status message " You feel an evil presence watching you.". At least four town NPCs (including the Traveling Merchant and town pets ) are present in the world.At least one player in the world has at least 200 maximum health and more than 10 defense.The Eye of Cthulhu has not yet been defeated in the current world.It also has a 33.33*1/3 (33.33%) chance of spawning automatically each night, if the following conditions apply: The Eye of Cthulhu can be summoned manually using a Suspicious Looking Eye at night (beginning at 7:30 PM in-game time).

    Call of cthulhu x box